티스토리 뷰



조울증 환자의 인터뷰 영상입니다. 

조증 상태로 보이구요. 

조증의 모든 증상이 순차적으로 나타납니다. 

John Riley 36세,
정비공, 부모와 동거
36세라고 하는데 50정도로 보이네요/ 


다음은 인터뷰중 드러난 증상들에 대한 정의입니다. 



0:10 - Pressured speech, talkativeness

0:40 - Distractibility

1:00 - "Name's a game" = Clang association (thought disorder)

1:10 - "Doctor Who, diddly dang, woddly dang" = Clang association

1:20 - "How old...you're only as old as the woman you feel...the way to a man's heart is through his stomach...food for the soul, a nice bit of sole" = Tangentiality/flight of ideas

1:50 - "This is the work I've been doing...It's my cure for cancer" = Grandiosity, activity increase

2:10 - "I've been up all week" = Insomnia

2:40 - "F*ck off" = Disinhibition (unless he's normally vulgar!)

3:20 - Activity increase

3:45 - "I'm gonna get one of those" = Distractibility

4:10 - "God tells me I'm doing a really good job..." = Delusion of grandeur

4:55 - Tangentia

l6:30 - Insomnia

7:00 - "Fantastic" = Euphoria



In this film, a psychiatrist assesses a man who has been referred by his GP. The patient demonstrates flight of ideas, pressure of speech, disinhibition, punning, grandiose delusions, and second person auditory hallucinations. His presentation is consistent with mania. Please note that this video has been made by the University of Nottingham for teaching purposes. The psychiatrist is a real psychiatrist but the patient is played by an actor.

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